This jailbreak tweak brings autocorrect to Safari’s search bar

Autocorrect can make small adjustments to your typing in real-time to help keep your spelling in check when messaging or typing notes. But one place where autocorrect doesn’t seem to apply is the multi-function search bar in the Safari app.

It seems Apple went out of their way to prevent URLs from being auto-corrected into incorrect URLs before visiting a website. On the other hand, autocorrect can be a useful asset if you habitually misspell search queries since the search bar is used for both URLs and search queries; not just one or the other.

Thankfully, a new and free jailbreak tweak called SafariAutoCorrect by iOS developer Henryli17 is now available that brings full-fledged autocorrect functionality to the search bar of your Safari app — therefore ensuring that you always search for the correct thing.

In my testing, I found the tweak to be useful because autocorrect helped me enter search queries more accurately in Safari’s search bar. I also spent less of my time making micro-adjustments to the search queries I entered to ensure that I’d get ideal search results.

Obviously, autocorrect has implications for URL entries, as most URLs are one word — sometimes words mashed together or just plain gibberish — and autocorrect doesn’t like that. The tweak suits those who use Safari’s search bar more for Google or DuckDuckGo searches than it does those who manually enter URLs.

Having mentioned the pros and cons above, those interested in trying the new SafariAutoCorrect tweak can download it for free from Henryli17’s repository via their favorite package manager. The tweak supports jailbroken iOS 14 devices and is open source on the developer’s GitHub page.

If you’re not already using Henryli17’s repository, then you can add it to your package manager of choice via the following URL:

Do you plan to add autocorrect to your handset’s Safari search bar with the SafariAutoCorrect tweak? Let us know in the comments section down below.