If the Perseverance had Google Photos…

Having spent six full months on Mars, NASA’s Perseverance Rover has already snapped up 125,428 photos, and it’s showing no signs of slowing down.

Here’s what it would look like if the Perseverance had Google Photos.

There’s a lot to love about this Google video, starting from that opening scene from WALL-E to the soundtrack to the clever overview of features like slideshows and objects recognition. Google’s advertising isn’t very memorable nor is it exciting, but this is admittedly a very clever promotional video for the Google Photos service.

How to create a movie with pictures in Google Photos

Available on iOS, Android and the web, Google Photos analyzes objects on your images, such as furniture, toys, vehicles and so forth, as well as people and pets. This lets it create memorable slideshow-like video presentations with your best images set to music.

The video definitely carries some smart messaging that reinforces the Google Photos brand, so we’ve decided to share it here with our fans.