New meowbrek2 utility converts palera1n on iOS 15.0-15.7.2 into a semi-untethered jailbreak via kfd exploit

If you have ever jailbroke an iOS or iPadOS device with palera1n before, then you would know that the tool’s semi-tethered status requires you to connect to a computer every time you want to re-jailbreak your device.

meowbrek2 semi-untethered re-jailbreaking utility for palera1n devices on iOS & iPadOS 15.0-15.7.2.
meowbrek2 user interface.

Knowing how inconvenient this can be, iOS developer dora2ios has just released a new re-jailbreaking utility called meowbrek2 that can turn said jailbreak into a semi-untethered jailbreak by utilizing the kernel file descriptor (kfd) exploit.

In essence, this means that meowbrek2 can be used to return you to a jailbroken state following a device reboot without the need for a computer. And best of all, the meowbrek2 app can be perma-signed with TrollStore 2.

According to the utility’s official GitHub page, meowbrek2 supports iOS & iPadOS 15.0-15.7.6 on A9(X)-A11 devices, up to an including the iPhone X. These are the same devices that can be jailbroken by way of the palera1n jailbreak tool, so no surprise there.

It’s also worth noting that while palera1n does support iOS & iPadOS 16, and even iPadOS 17 on a smaller subset of devices, meowbrek2 doesn’t support these newer firmware versions.

Some important notes you should know about meowbrek2 are that it’s a re-jailbreaking utility and not a jailbreaking utility. This means you will need to jailbreak at least once with palera1n first before you can use meowbrek2 because the latter doesn’t support bootstrapping while the former does.

Another thing is that you can use Face ID/passcode with meowbrek2 on certain devices that weren’t supported with palera1n standalone, such as the iPhone X. For some people, this is the primary reason to use it.

If you’re interested in learning more about meowbrek2, then you can head over to the project’s official GitHub page. It’s created by the same developer who brought us the Kok3shi jailbreak, and has since been experimenting with other jailbreak techniques on newer arm64 devices.

The meowbrek2 tool is expected to become deprecated once Dopamine v2.0 launches.