How to install the Misaka package manager with TrollStore

Much like you can install package manager apps like Cydia, Sileo, and Zebra on jailbroken devices, you can also install package manager apps on non-jailbroken devices so that you can take advantage of add-ons for the MacDirtyCow and kfd exploits.

Misaka v2 icon.

One of the fastest-growing package manager apps that we’ve seen yet for the MacDirtyCow and kfd exploits is Misaka by straight_tamago, and if you’re interested in tweaks and add-ons that can modify the look and feel of your MacDirtyCow-susceptible device with no jailbreak required, then you may want to consider trying it out.

What is Misaka?

Misaka is a package manager-style user experience app that works as a centralized hub for everyone to download MacDirtyCow and kfd add-ons from.

You can install Misaka using the perma-signing TrollStore app or a sideloading method such as the likes of AltStore or Sideloadly. You don’t need a jailbreak to install and use Misaka.

Once installed, you can browse through a catalog of MacDirtyCow or kfd-compatible add-ons much like you can search for jailbreak tweaks on jailbroken handset running Cydia, Sileo, Zebra, or some other package manager app.

After finding add-ons that interest you, you can install and manage them directly from Misaka.

What is MacDirtyCow?

MacDirtyCow, also known as CVE-2022-46689, has been around for a while and is a rather interesting exploit that exists in iOS & iPadOS 15.x-16.1.2. People with devices running these firmware versions can utilize the exploit to modify system files in ways that they shouldn’t be able to.

For example, developers have found ways to customize the Lock Screen’s passcode interface, the Control Center interface, various aspects of the Status Bar and SpringBoard, and so much more. Honestly, the list of things made possible with this exploit just keeps growing as people delve deeper.

You don’t need a jailbreak to utilize this exploit, so even if you have one of Apple’s latest devices without a jailbreak and you’re running a MacDirtyCow-compatible firmware, you can use these add-ons to customize your device.

Most MacDirtyCow add-ons will revert back to stock after a reboot, but some can persist after a reboot until removed by the end user.

What is kfd?

Kernel file descriptor, also known as kfd for short, is a relatively new kernel exploit project that aims to provide users with kernel memory read and write privileges that they shouldn’t have.

Much like MacDirtyCow, the exploit allows system files to be modified in ways that you would expect only to be possible by jailbreaking, but it works on newer firmware than MacDirtyCow, up to and including iOS & iPadOS 16.6 beta 1.

You don’t need a jailbreak to utilize the kfd exploit, which means you’re free to use it even if you don’t have one.

How can I get Misaka?

If you’d like to install Misaka on your iPhone or iPad so that you can begin customizing your MacDirtyCow-capable handset, simply follow the steps below:

1) Join the Misaka Discord server by using the URL provided below:

Note: You will need to read all the rules and verify your account before you can access the channel where Misaka is hosted. Follow the instructions carefully.

2) Once you’ve verified yourself and agreed to the server’s rules, navigate to the ipa-downloads channel in the Discord server:

Misaka Discord ipa downloads channel.

3) Scroll down to the newest announcement about Misaka and tap the latest .ipa download link:

Misaka download link in Discord.

Note: At the time of this writing, Misaka v1.8.5 is the latest version available, but that could change as time goes on. Take care to acquire the latest version.

4) When the MEGA website loads, tap the white Download button:

Download button for Misaka on MEGA website.

5) Once ready, tap the green Save File button:

Green Save File button for Misaka on MEGA website.

Note: You can perma-sign the downloaded .ipa file with TrollStore. If your device doesn’t support TrollStore, then you can sideload it from your Mac or Windows PC with AltStore or Sideloadly instead. Our device is TrollStore-enabled, so we’ll use that method below.

6) Tap the blue Open in “TrollStore” link:

Open Misaka in TrollStore.

7) Tap the blue Install button:

TrollStore Install Misaka button.

8) Once complete, Misaka appears in your TrollStore installed apps list:

Misaka in TrollStore installed apps list.

Congratulations, you’ve installed Misaka and can now browse many repositories hosting popular MacDirtyCow add-ons for your compatible iPhone or iPad!

Misaka on your iPhone's Home Screen.

Navigating Misaka

As you might come to expect from a package manager app, Misaka lets you browse for add-ons that you might want to use on your iPhone or iPad. If you’ve ever used a jailbreak-centric package manager such as Cydia, Sileo, or Zebra before, then the Misaka interface will feel familiar to you right off the bat.

On the home page of Misaka, you can see all the featured packages that are at the tops of the charts from MacDirtyCow add-on developers:

Misaka Featured packages tab.

You can also visit the News tab to see what some of the newest packages are:

Misaka News Tab.

And of course, you can also control which sources you get MacDirtyCow add-ons from. Right out of the box, you get just under two dozen sources, and nearly 300 add-ons to pick from. You can not only remove existing sources, but you can always add new ones in the future too:

Misaka Sources Tab.

Many of the add-ons you’ll see in Misaka have already been featured here on iDB, and now that there’s a centralized place to find them all, you can expect even more coverage from our team in the near future.

Installing packages with Misaka

The process to install a MacDirtyCow-compatible package with Misaka will also feel familiar if you’ve ever used a package manager app on a jailbroken device before.

Upon finding a package that interests you, you can simply follow the steps below to install and enable it:

1) Tap the blue Get button:

Misaka Get button.


2) Tap the Queue when the Get button changes into a red Queued button:

Tap on the queue in the Misaka app.

3) Tap the blue Confirm button:

Misaka Confirm button.

4) When finished, tap the blue Close button:

Misaka Close Button.

5) Go to the Packages tab and tap the package you downloaded to enable it:

Misaka apply packages button.

6) Tap the Apply button at the top-right of the app.

Note: Tapping the Apply button resprings your device to save changes associated with applying packages. When it starts back up, your add-on should take full effect.


Now that you have access to the Misaka package manager for MacDirtyCow and kfd-susceptible devices, do you plan to install add-ons to customize your iPhone or iPad?

Let us know why or why not in the comments section down below.