Developer NoisyFlake departs jailbreak community, makes all paid tweaks free

In an unfortunate bout of news for the iPhone jailbreaking community, seasoned jailbreak tweak developer NoisyFlake has made the tough decision to move on.

NoisyFlake announces decision to leave jailbreak community on Twitter.

In a post shared to /r/jailbreak early Thursday morning, NoisyFlake cited a declining amount of jailbreakers as a result of Apple making it more difficult to jailbreak devices as well as the amount of time it takes to develop jailbreak tweaks, as NoisyFlake as recently became a lot busier than they once were.

NoisyFlake also pointed to Reddit’s terrible decision to effectively shut down third-party apps like Apollo as a side reason for not wanting to be a part of /r/jailbreak anymore. Since Reddit and Twitter have been their primary means of communication with the community, these offered more push to make this decision.

NoisyFlake has created a number of high-quality jailbreak tweaks over the years, many of which have been featured on iDownloadBlog. Fortunately for those who are still jailbreaking today, NoisyFlake has decided to make all their previous jailbreak tweak releases free to download, which is sure to excite a lot of users.

Some of the previously paid jailbreak tweaks that you can now take advantage of at no cost include:

These tweaks are hosted exclusively on the Chariz repository and can be downloaded via any of your favorite package manager apps. Please note that not all of these jailbreak tweaks have been updated to support the rootless dynamic, however AlbumManager, BetterAlarm, and Velvet 2 absolutely have been.

For those interested, all of NoisyFlake’s jailbreak tweaks and contributions to the community are also open source on their GitHub page, which may hopefully inspire new developers to pick up where NoisyFlake left off.

Personally, I find this decision very bittersweet — while I understand NoisyFlake’s determination to move on from what feels pretty stagnant as we await an iOS 17 release, those who’ve held out on iOS 15 and 16 for the Dopamine and palera1n jailbreaks can seriously benefit from this quality add-ons. NoisyFlake has always been one to make quality products that feel premium, and I think it shows in their work.

Are you upset to see NoisyFlake go? Discuss in the comments section down below.