Popular EvilScheme default app-selecting tweak for iPhones adds rootless jailbreak support

Developers have been updating their jailbreak tweaks to support the rootless dynamic of iOS & iPadOS 15 and 16 jailbreaks like Dopamine and palera1n for the past several weeks, and the latest add-on to pick up support is a staff favorite called EvilScheme, originally developed by the late Lorenzo Pane, and now actively maintained by developer 0xkuj.

EvilScheme jailbreak tweak.

As we showcased in our original 2020 review, EvilScheme unlocked the ability for users to choose their default web browsers, navigation apps, package managers, and more. The latest iteration of EvilScheme, version 19.07.2002 at the time of this writing, continues the tradition of those perks on the modern jailbreaks of today.

If you’ve ever wanted to use Chrome or Firefox instead of Safari as your iPhone or iPad’s default web browser, meaning that all links would automatically open in Chrome or Firefox instead of opening in Safari first, then EvilScheme is for you. Other web browser apps are also supported.

Likewise, you may choose to third-party navigation apps over Apple Maps. Imagine being able to default to Google Maps or Waze instead of Apple Maps and being able to enjoy the perks of those navigation experiences when you don’t want to be defaulted to Apple’s.

EvilScheme provides plenty of presets right out of the box, but users can add more if they wish. You can ultimately head over to our original review to learn more about what you can do with EvilScheme and how it works.

If you’re interested in trying EvilScheme out for yourself, it’s a free download from the Havoc repository via your favorite package manager app and supports jailbroken iOS & iPadOS 15 and 16 devices.

Are you planning to download EvilScheme on your jailbroken device? Let us know what third-party alternative apps you plan to set as defaults on your pwned handset in the comments section down below.