Oniri, Sleep monitoring 2, Missyt and other apps to check out this weekend

It’s time again for another Apps of the Week roundup! This week we have some great picks for you, including a lucid dreaming aid, a sleep tracker and an app for making long distance connections. And as always, we’ve selected a great new game for you to check out.

Oniri – Explore your dreams

Use Oniri to write down, understand and control your dreams. Keep a dream journal access the most popular lucid dreaming techniques, hundreds of interpretations, statistics, and much more. Features include audio guides, alarms, reminders, sleep sounds and much more.

Download for free

Sleep monitoring 2

If you could care less about your dreams and just want a good night’s rest, this app is for you. Sleep monitoring 2 interacts with your Apple Watch and Health app to help you track your sleep. It’s not as user-friendly as some other apps, but it can analyze your snore patterns and is very data-focused.

Download for free

Missyt – Miss Your Touch

Here is a neat app for those in long-distance relationships or otherwise find themselves separated from loved ones. Missyt helps you make a deeper connection with things like a “connected time” tracker, buzz vibrations simulating heart beats and even built-in games like Pictionary.

Download for free

Total Gravity

Total Gravity is a top-down, physics-based shooter with space, gravitation and countless power-up combinations. You can upgrade your ship and weapons and face off against powerful enemies. Each level is procedurally generated, so it feels like a new adventure every time.

Download for free

App-related news from this week