Infinite Tweet: Native TwitLonger Integration For Twitter App, TweetBot, and Echofon

Infinite Tweet is a $0.99 tweak available on Cydia’s BigBoss repo, which adds numerous options to a variety of Twitter clients.

Adding native TwitLonger integration into your Twitter app of choice is its main purpose. This not only gives you the option of posting tweets over 140 characters right from the convenience of your favorite client, but it also allows you to expand your messages without the need to visit an outside site.

Check inside for a video demonstration of Infinite Tweet in action…


I wasn’t able to test out all of the features of Infinite Tweet, but I did test its primary feature: native TwitLonger integration. I’m happy to report that it worked very smoothly.

If you like to type lengthy tweets that often surpass the 140 character limit and you have a jailbroken iPhone, then laying down a buck for Infinite Tweet is simply a no-brainer.

On top of that you get extra functions like in-line Instagram viewing, #nowplaying support, translation, and a few other goodies depending on your Twitter client.

Let us know what you think about Infinite Tweet below.