
Video teaser demonstrates working Sileo app on macOS

Most people associate the Procursus bootstrap and Sileo package manager with the iOS 12-based Chimera jailbreak or the iOS & iPadOS 13-based Odyssey jailbreak, but that’s liable to change soon future as Odyssey Team member Hayden Seay teased almost a month ago that Procursus and Sileo would be coming to the Mac.

Wednesday evening, we got a first-hand glimpse of just how quickly the aforementioned project appears to be coming along.

Procursus and Sileo are coming to the Mac

Most people who hear the word Sileo immediately think of the default package manager used by the Chimera and Odyssey jailbreaks for iPhone and iPad. But what if it could also run on a Mac?

The idea of having a package manager such as Sileo available on the Mac isn’t new, and Odyssey Team co-developer Hayden Seay (A.K.A. Diatrus) says it will be coming to fruition very soon.