
App developers can make special sideloadable apps that take advantage of the MacDirtyCow bug on iOS & iPadOS 15.0-15.7 and 16.0-16.1.2. Apps that exploit this bug can make cosmetic and functional changes to the operating system if it’s within the bounds of memory that a sandboxed app can access.

Follow along as we provide ongoing coverage on the latest MacDirtyCow developments.

Misaka adds integrated TrollStore 2 installer in latest v3.2.4 update

Misaka banner.

It was a big day for a lot of iPhone and iPad owners as iOS developer Lars Fröder (@opa334dev) officially released a much-anticipated TrollStore 2 with support for firmware newer than iOS & iPadOS 15.4.1 for the first time. But as we touched on in our announcement post, there wasn’t yet a way for all device and firmware combinations to install it, but Misaka developer @straight_tamago has just made it easier, at least for some.