iPhone 4

How to jailbreak iOS 6.0.1

iOS 6.0.1 was just released a few minutes ago, but we've already confirmed it can be jailbroken right now using the existing jailbreak tools for iOS 6.

Although RedSn0w was recently updated to 0.9.15b3, the update doesn't yet include support for iOS 6. That's okay, because you can still point at the already supported iOS 6 firmware and successfully jailbreak iOS 6.0.1.

Check inside for the full video walkthrough that shows how.

The ZOpro: a thin iPhone case with built-in charging cable

We all know the scenario. You're away from home, with no charger, and your iPhone just alerted you that its battery is now down to a measly 10%. What do you do?

Well, if you had the new ZOpro case on your iPhone, you could use its integrated charger to breath life back into your handset. But wait, what's a ZOpro case?

Apple leaks: increasingly they are made in China

If there is one word that is often used to describe Apple it is "secretive." The Cupertino, California firm is legendary for its corporate tight lips. Increasingly, however, there are few secrets left when it comes to Apple products. A number of insiders are blaming Apple's extensive supply chain and companies outside the US.

"Apple's security practices are targeted at making sure U.S. employees don't leak stuff, but everything comes out of China now," an unnamed employee of the iPhone maker told Ars Technica Monday. This inability to ensure suppliers outside the U.S. share the same regard for product secrecy has led Apple to tighten the screws on employees at home - sometimes with questionable results.

FaceTime preview window now reflects aspect ratio of the caller’s device

In addition to the big ones in iOS 6 and a host of lesser-known but otherwise welcome enhancements, every now and then a small tweak surfaces, capturing our imagination and delighting us with simplicity. More often than not, these little nuggets clearly prove Apple remains as obsessed with agonizing over every little aspect of its products as it's ever been. For example, the FaceTime preview window where a live video stream of the person you're calling is displayed now indicates their device's aspect ratio...

How to jailbreak iOS 5.1.1 on Pre-A5 devices using backup and restore

We've been stressing how many new features were packed into the new RedSn0w, and we weren't kidding. Another under the radar feature that's been added to the new RedSn0w is the ability to jailbreak iOS 5.1.1 untethered on Pre-A5 devices in A5 Non DFU style.

This is accomplished using the same method used for jailbreak tools like Absinthe, which utilizes backup and restore instead of the typical DFU ramdisk method. This is a great feature that speeds up the jailbreak process on Pre-A5 devices running iOS 5.1.1. Check inside as we give you a video demonstration and tutorial showing how it works.

How to downgrade pre-A5 devices easily with RedSn0w

RedSn0w 0.9.15b1 was a gargantuan update. In fact, we're still trudging through all of the new features. One new addition that has us really excited is the new direct restore option for pre-A5 devices.

This new restore option allows you to downgrade your device without having to fool with host files, stitching, Pwned DFU, iTunes, or anything else that made downgrading so incredibly cumbersome in the past.

We've made a step-by-step tutorial that shows you how to use this new restore feature, along with getting by those pesky Mismatched APTicket errors. Check inside for the full tutorial.

How to jailbreak iOS 6 with RedSn0w 0.9.15b1

As we reported a couple of days ago, RedSn0w 0.9.15b1 is now available to jailbreak A4 devices and below running iOS 6. This latest version is a pretty massive update with a lengthy change log, but the most important aspect about the update is the ability to jailbreak iOS 6 and install Cydia.

Previous iOS 6 jailbreaks required users to install Cydia manually, but the latest public version of RedSn0w works just as you might expect it would. Take a look inside for our full tutorial.

The iExpander puts your iPhone on steroids

Do you ever wish your iPhone had better battery life, or expandable storage? How about a brighter flash, so it could take better pictures in low-light situations? Well let me introduce you to the iExpander.

The iExpander is a case for your iPhone that, believe or not, does all of these things. It has a built-in battery, a micro SD card slot, and an enhanced flash. Like the title says, it's like steroids for your iPhone...

How to install Siri on iOS devices running iOS 6

Would you like to use Siri on your old iPod touch 4th generation or iPhone 4 running iOS 6? The first thing you need to do is jailbreak your device, and then install Cydia.

Once you've jailbroken your device and installed Cydia, you can then add the necessary Cydia repo to install the package needed to configure Siri on these devices.

Check inside for our full tutorial.

How to unlock the full iOS 6 Maps app on older devices

iOS 6 Maps is stepped in controversy, but not everyone hates it, including yours truly. I've never personally experienced any navigation issues with the iOS 6 Maps app, and for me, it's a huge upgrade over the stock Google Maps app of yesteryear.

One problem that I do have with iOS 6's Maps, however, is how dumbed down the feature is on older devices. Devices like the iPhone 4 get left out when it comes to true turn-by-turn navigation and Flyover (3D) support.

As usual, the jailbreak community comes to the rescue with a new tweak that unlocks iOS 6 Maps on older devices. It's appropriately titled: Unlock iOS 6 Maps, and it's a free download on Cydia's Big Boss repo. Take a look inside for a video walkthrough...

Jonathan Mann wishes Siri a happy birthday

Musician and songwriter Jonathan Mann made a name for himself by writing a song a day and sharing it on YouTube. He's been doing it for over a thousand days straight, every single day. The song-a-day man scored big with fans of Apple when he posted the amusing Antennasong on the eve of Apple's hastily organized presser two years ago to deal with the aftermath of the iPhone 4 antenna debacle.

Steve Jobs even played that song to kick off the presser. And now, John's back with a new song celebrating Siri's first birthday, though nine days early. More clips right after the break...

T-Mobile’s iPhone-friendly 42 Mbps HSPA+ coming to Las Vegas on Monday

T-Mobile USA, the nation's fourth-largest carrier and the sole major U.S. telco without Apple's iPhone, announced at the GigaOm Mobilize conference that it will be rolling out its iPhone-compatible HSPA+ network in Las Vegas on Monday, September 24, 2012.

The carrier's HSPA+ network runs in the much more common 1900MHz spectrum, allowing unlocked iPhone owners to finally access the fastest 3G network in the country, T-Mobile's dual-carrier HSPA+...