iPhone 13 mini

Do you opt for the biggest screens possible?

I can still remember when Dell had a "tablet" out there in the world with a screen somewhere around five inches. At the time it was mocked and panned because the company dared to use marketing material showing a person holding that device up to the side of their head to make a call. Dared, because at the time it really was ridiculous. But, of course, we all know how a phone with a screen around five inches is considered small by some people these days.

iPhone 13 screen repair process called a ‘trap’ that may have huge implications for the repair industry

Apple would very much like to keep tabs on the repair process for all of its devices. For some, that's a bonus because it means that the company who makes the devices can also fix them. And there are also authorized service providers if one can't make it to a physical Apple Store. However, some see it as a way for Apple to keep an iron grip on something it doesn't want out of its control. Both are probably true.

Do you carry two primary devices with you all the time?

The iPad mini is a tablet that I've always wanted, ever since it was first unveiled. It was so cool looking, seemed super useful for certain situations, and that portability was top notch. And yet, over the years, I've picked one up here and there but I've never kept it. The same can be said for the newest variant of the long running small tablet lineup, too.

Apple is still bundling EarPods with new iPhones in France

Considering it sells products all over the globe, Apple has to contend with local regulations and laws in order to do that successfully. Or at all. Which means, while it may institute some new rules for its business practice in one region, that might not be possible in another. Like bundling wired headphones with new iPhones.