
JailbreakMe 3.0 Teaser Image Proved Fake, Exact ETA on iPad 2 Jailbreak Unknown

We apologize if you got excited about the return of JailbreakMe today. A rumor got started this morning that claimed Comex was releasing his iPad 2 jailbreak through this afternoon.

As it turns out, the teaser image (reportedly from Comex's Twitter account) that started this rumor has been proved fake, and we're back to the drawing board in terms of an iPad 2 jailbreak ETA.

JailbreakMe 3.0 Returns Today with iPad 2 Jailbreak? [Updated: Fake]

After Comex teased that the iPad 2 jailbreak is "almost ready," a rumor has started circulating that the famed jailbreak site,, will return today with the long-awaited jailbreak for the iPad 2.

According to Nexus404, the above image briefly appeared on Comex's Twitter account last night, but the image link was almost immediately pulled. Comex has been working on an iPad 2 jailbreak for quite some time, and this image could be a teaser he created and published prematurely...

iPad 2 Jailbreak is “Almost Ready?”

Last week we broke the news about a teaser Comex had released on the JailbreakMe website, which consisted in a cryptic image suggesting that he might have found a new exploit. At the time, we speculated that it could be related to an iPad 2 jailbreak.

It looks like whatever Comex is working on - and we do believe it's an iPad 2 jailbreak - is "almost ready"...

New PDF Exploit Uncovered By Comex in iOS, Return of JailbreakMe?

We're calling it, folks: famed jailbreak hacker, Comex, has uncovered another PDF exploit in iOS that will allow for a userland jailbreak, ala JailbreakMe.

This is based off the above teaser image, which Comex just announced on his Twitter and is available for viewing on If our detective work is correct, we expect a new, untethered, userland jailbreak for iOS.

JailbreakQA is an Online Resource for Your Jailbreak Questions

Even if you consider yourself a "jailbreak expert," you probably still have questions from time to time. And there's no better way to learn than to ask questions to people that know more than you.

Two people that know more about jailbreaking than most of us are chpwn and comex. They're both hackers and develepors that have been heavily involved in the jailbreak community for a long time.

Chpwn and comex have a iOS jailbreak resource site called JailbreakQA. It's a crowd-sourced Q&A tool that lends itself towards jailbreak novices and experts...

Untethered Jailbreak Not Fixed in iOS 4.3.3

Some good news for jailbreakers coming from comex himself. Apparently, Apple hasn't fixed the exploit used by iPhone hacker i0n1c in his 4.3.2 jailbreak. What does that mean? Well it means that you might not be able to jailbreak and untether iOS 4.3.3 right now, but it's just a matter of time.

The Dev Team will most likely update PwnageTool and RedSn0w in the very near future, and provide us with stable and reliable jailbreaks. You can probably also expect iH8Sn0w to update Sn0wBreeze...

iOS 4.3.2 Still Vulnerable to i0n1c’s Untethered Exploit?

Famous userland jailbreak hacker @Comex has just tweeted some interesting information regarding the status of i0n1c's iOS 4.3.1 untethered jailbreak exploit.

According to @Comex, i0n1c's untethered jailbreak kernel exploit used in redsn0w to jailbreak iOS 4.3.1 doesn't seem to be patched yet in the new iOS 4.3.2 released earlier today...

Apple Patched Comex’s Exploit in iOS 4.3.1

The cat and mouse game between Apple and jailbreakers is getting intense. Apple got real serious when they added ASLR to iOS 4.3 and forced iDevice hackers back to their drawing boards. But members of the jailbreak community responded, and a tethered jailbreak was quickly made available with a patched mobile substrate file.

The latest move from Apple seems to be a big one. Comex tweeted about an hour ago that his kernel exploit was fixed in Apple's latest version of the firmware, iOS 4.3.1. It was public knowledge that i0n1c and other jailbreakers were specifically waiting for iOS 4.3.1 to be released to prevent something like this from happening...

Comex’s iOS 4.3 Jailbreak uses a Userland Exploit

Last week we reported about Comex being the first to jailbreak iOS 4.3 on the iPad 2. Today we find out a bit more information about this iOS 4.3 jailbreak. In a reply to a tweet asking him what kind of exploit Comex had found in iOS 4.3, he said that he uses a userland exploit, meaning the jailbreak might be applied directly from the device, a la JailbreakMe.

Because a userland jailbreak can easily be patched via a software update, and with the rumors of iOS 4.3.1 coming in the next couple weeks, I doubt we will see Comex's jailbreak before then...

Chpwn Drops More iOS 4.3 Jailbreak Details

The jailbreak community holds its breath as iOS hackers work diligently on a 4.3 jailbreak solution. With their latest firmware, Apple introduced ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization), which is making the process a little more difficult for jailbreakers. Current jailbreak methods are available, but are extremely limited.

But things look positive as hackers Comex and i0n1c have already shown off their jailbroken iOS 4.3 devices. Now you might be wondering, "If they can jailbreak their devices, why don't they just release it to everyone?" Well, when these guys jailbreak their devices, they don't plug their iPhone into the computer and click a button....

iPad 2 Jailbroken By Comex

Late last week, we saw our first iOS 4.3 jailbreak shown off on video by iPhone hacker @i0n1c, which claimed it to be in the "Alpha stage".

And now, famous iPhone hacker, @Comex has found another exploit in iOS 4.3, being the very first to jailbreak the new iPad 2 with the updated bootROM. In addition to announcing it on his own Twitter account, the official @iphone_dev account has also announced Comex's huge accomplishment.

Comex Waiting on Verizon iPhone for Next Untethered Jailbreak?

According to a recent tweet from well-known iPhone hacker Comex, the untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 might be released after the Verizon iPhone’s debut. In reply to a tweet asking if Comex would wait for iOS 4.3 to release his untethered jailbreak, Comex replied:

“I don’t know, I think I’m waiting for the Verizon iPhone.”

So far, the only untethered jailbreak method available for 4.2.1 is the iPhone Dev-Team’s redsn0w 0.9.7beta6 which is currently Mac only...