RootHide jailbreak detection bypass for Dopamine updated to version 1.0.5 with more improvements

If you’re taking advantage of the RootHide jailbreak detection bypass for the Dopamine jailbreak for arm64e devices running iOS & iPadOS 15.0-15.4.1, then you might want to be made aware that there’s a new update available.

RootHide v1.0.5 update released for the Dopamine jailbreak.

Announced via a post on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) early Friday morning, and shown above for your viewing pleasure, RootHide version 1.0.5 is now available to the with a slew of bug fixes and improved compatibility with rootless jailbreak tweaks, among other things.

The full change log for RootHide version 1.0.5 can be found below:

– Fixed the issue of not being able to respring in some tweak settings
– Fixed the issue that jailbroken daemons not loaded when disabling tweak injection
– Fixed the issue that caused the device to reboot when some tweaks crashed
– This version will work better with the dynamic patching framework
– Add a rootless compatibility layer to support most pure rootless tweaks

If you’re an existing RootHide user, then it is strongly recommended that you update to the latest version to take advantage of these changes, as they only serve to benefit the user experience. Updating is as simple as downloading the latest .ipa from the GitHub page and re-perma-signing it over your existing installation with TrollStore.

Anyone who isn’t already taking advantage of RootHide that might be interested in giving it a shot can follow the steps outlined in our detailed tutorial post to learn more about what RootHide is and how it’s installed.

RootHide, being a jailbreak detection bypass, helps prevent apps from being able to determine if you’re jailbroken or not. This means that even those apps that would ordinarily lock you out of functionality until you restore your device to factory settings should work as expected with the RootHide tool installed.

Have you updated to the latest version of the RootHide jailbreak detection bypass for the Dopamine jailbreak yet? Be sure to let us know in the comments section down below.