On Top To-Do, Hardcover.app, RemNote, and other apps to check out this weekend

Welcome to the weekend everyone! This means it’s time for another Apps of the Week roundup, and we have some great picks for you this week. There’s yet another sharp, intuitive to-do list app, an app for discovering new books to read, and a digital flashcard-maker. And as always, we’ve selected a fun game for you to check out.

On Top To-Do

Taylor Swift voice: “it’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me.” Yes I am posting about another todo app mostly because of its beautiful screenshots. This one is called On Top To-Do, and it promises to be your one list for everything. The idea is that you have this big master list of tasks, and then whatever you are going to tackle in the immediate future, you swipe right, and the tasks float to the top where they are highlighted and ready to be tackled. I like this idea a lot, and again the UI looks fantastic.

Download for $2


Still planning on keeping your New Year’s resolution to read more? Or perhaps maybe you want to get a jump on next New Year’s resolutions? Hardcover.app is here to help by making it easy to discover new books and keep track of the ones you’ve read. Features include trending books, curated lists and prompts to explore, reviews, and a deep search feature that lets you browse by mood and genre. And it can even show you a personalized Match Score for a book, based on your reading history.

Download for free

RemNote – Notes & Flashcards

I hate to end this list with a learning tool, but here we are. REmNote is an all-in-one learning tool that combines note-taking, knowledge management, flashcards, and spaced repetition to enabled effective and efficient learning. Features include custom flashcards, PDFs with annotations, tags, to-dos, multimedia support, backlinks, and more. Students are obviously the target audience here, but you could also use the app to learn a new language, study for a work exam, learn lines for a play, or to help you remember important facts about your boss to bring up at the company picnic so you can lock up that promotion before Rob can weasel his way in. Wait, what?

Download for free

Assemble with Care

From the studio that brought you Monument Valley comes Assemble with Care, a story about taking things apart and putting ourselves back together. You are tasked with helping Maria, a globe-trotting antique restorer, that has landed in the sun-asked town of Bellariva and must help its inhabitants saved their most beloved possessions. Features include meaningful puzzles, handcraft visuals and an evocative story. The game is already out on Steam for years, where it gets great reviews, so it seems like a safe bet for a solid weekend title.

Download for free

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