Cydia Installer updated to version 1.1.22 to squash bugs

Cydia Updated

Cydia Installer has been updated again to fix bugs. Actually, it was just updated twice—once to fix bugs, and again to fix a bug brought about by the previous bug fix.

Version 1.1.21 of Cydia installer appeared first, followed shortly by version 1.1.22. Needless to say, you should update to the latest version of Cydia at your earliest convenience. In this post, you’ll find the full change logs for both updates.

Change log for Cydia 1.1.21

  • Users who upgraded to Cydia 1.1.21 reported that all “trivial” APT sources they had added via Cydia (which are the vast majority of third-party sources used by normal users) did not show any packages.

Change log for Cydia 1.1.21

Shared Sources Sometimes Broke

  • Using a URL to share a package from a third-party repository that had a typo could lead to an unremovable source.

Clearing Caches Could Kill Cydia

  • A user reported a situation where they ran out of disk space, iOS cleared their caches, and then Cydia wouldn’t run.

Upgrading Cydia Broke AppleTVs

  • Users of the AppleTV 2 jailbreak who upgraded to Cydia 1.1.19 or .20  would lose access to the core Cydia sources.

There aren’t any new features included with this update, but it’s good to see the stability of Cydia rapidly improve as saurik works hard behind the scenes.

Speaking of new features, what would you like to see saurik add as a stock Cydia feature in a future update?