How to create and add custom logos to Zeppelin

I don’t think anyone foresaw how popular Zeppelin would become in the jailbreak community, but there are tons of custom logo packs available, and more being made each day.

What if you wanted to create your own custom logo pack? How would you go about adding the Zeppelin logos to your iDevice manually without going through Cydia?

This tutorial seeks to answer that question, along with providing you with our very own custom iDB carrier logo pack!


To add a custom logo pack to your iDevice, simply do the following:

Step 1: FTP into your device

Step 2: Navigate to /Library/Zeppelin/

Step 3: Drop your logo pack folder inside the Zeppelin directory

Step 4: Open the settings panel for Zeppelin on your device, and select the name of your custom logo pack. You may need to respring first.

As you can see, it’s very easy to drag and drop your own custom logo packs. As a matter of fact, why not download our official iDB logo pack, and show your love for iDB?

Leave a comment below with a link to your device with an iDB custom logo, and your device may be featured in an upcoming video! What do you say?