
PlayStation 5 jailbroken via Cryptogenic exploit

Jailbreaking isn’t just for iPhones. In fact, just about any device that runs firmware has the capacity to be hacked so that the end user can run mods not initially intended by the manufacturer of said device. Sony fans found that out Monday after an apparent jailbreak surfaced for the PlayStation 5 – Sony’s latest game console as of 2022.

Luca Todesco has released a WebKit RCE exploit that works on iOS 12.1.4 and earlier

Before the days of Electra and unc0ver dawned upon us, there was Yalu, an iOS 10-centric jailbreak too by the talented hacker Luca Todesco (@qwertoruiopz); but apart from a few teasers here and there, the jailbreak community hasn’t heard much him since the Yalu days – that is, until now.

In a bombshell Tweet shared this week, Todesco released what appears to be a WebKit-based exploit that allows remote code execution (RCE) in web browsers with JIT. What’s more is that the exploit was only just fixed three days ago, which means it should be viable on all versions of iOS up to Apple’s latest release – 12.1.4:

Linus Henze releases Safari-centric exploit targeting iOS 12.1 and earlier

Matrix code hacked iPhone.

It was only a few days ago that we learned about a sandbox escape PoC for iOS 12.0-12.0.1, and while it was just a proof of concept, there’s always the potential that a talented hacker could make use of it for future endeavors; perhaps even jailbreak development.

Fortunately, that’s not the only iOS 12-centric vulnerability floating around in the wild these days. As it would seem, a Safari-based exploit targeting iOS 12.1 and below (and macOS 10.14.1 and below) was also released this week by iOS tinkerer Linus Henze.

What Progressive Web Apps are and how to install and use them on iPhone and iPad

Thanks to modern web technologies like HTML5, Progressive Web Apps (PWA) run in a browser, don't require separate distribution, combine features of native apps with the benefits of a mobile experience and let you keep them on the Home Screen without the hassle of an app store.

In this tutorial, we'll help you install Progressive Web App to your iPhone or iPad Home Screen.