
Give the Now Playing interface an attractive background effect with MusicBackground

Listening to music is a popular activity among iPhone owners, but regardless of what music streaming app you use to jam out to your favorite tunes, one thing is certain: the Now Playing interface can be downright boring.

MusicBackground is a new jailbreak tweak by iOS developer Ethan Whited that hopes to solve this longstanding problem by incorporating eye-catching background effects, and it does this for the Now Playing interfaces in the Apple Music app, Spotify Music app, Tidal app, and even those found in Control Center and on the Lock Screen.

Apple Music vs Spotify vs Pandora: Which music service is for you?

Girl Listening to Music-Pixabay

Are you trying to decide which music service to commit to? Apple Music, Spotify, and Pandora are at the top of the list of options. They each offer terrific features, are available across multiple platforms, and are comparable in price. So what makes each stand out may be your deciding factor. Let’s have a look!

As you probably already know, Apple Music, Spotify, and Pandora all provide similar features. You can create playlists, listen to stations, manage your music library, tune into podcasts, and much more. So rather than list the same features for each service, we’ll call out some special features and the differences.