
How to find the RGB or Hexadecimal value of any pixel on Mac

Digital Color Meter New Icon Mac

RGB, otherwise known as red/green/blue, is a color identification method used by digital computer monitors. Every color gets its own RGB value, and this is because a mixture of those three colors makes up the color you're looking at.

RGB values may be used for a variety of reasons, but mostly for those that do a lot of photo editing or who may be tinkering with graphics or web design.

A little-known feature of your Mac is that its operating system comes with a meter that can identify the RGB color of any single pixel on your screen, and in this tutorial, we'll show you just how that's done.

Adobe releases Photoshop Fix and Capture CC for iPhone and iPad

Adobe launched new services at its annual Adobe MAX creativity conference today while updating the Creative Cloud lineup and releasing a pair of brand new mobile apps: Photoshop Fix and Capture CC.

Built on the Photoshop technology, Photoshop Fix, a free download from the App Store, brings desktop tools like Liguify and Healing Brush to image editing on the go.

Capture CC, another new app available at no charge, includes functionality provided by several mobile apps like Adobe Brush, Adobe Color, Adobe Hue and Adobe Shape.

Adobe retires Photoshop touch apps & previews Rigel, its new retouching solution for iPad

Photoshop maker Adobe said today it will be pulling Photoshop Touch apps for the iPhone and iPad from the App Store and other mobile platforms next Thursday, May 28. At the same time the company gave a sneak peek of its forthcoming new retouching solution for mobile, Rigel, which should be available later this year.

Adobe said it will sharpen focus on Creative Cloud mobile apps like Photoshop Mix, Photoshop Sketch, Adobe Comp CC, Adobe Shape CC, Adobe Brush CC and Adobe Color CC.

Photoshop Express can now remove blemishes, reduce fog and haze in photos and more

Having received a major update in May adding features like new brushes, a Quick Selection tool and more, the past month or so has marked a relatively quiet period for Adobe's Photoshop Express software for the iPhone and iPad.

But as Apple confirms ceasing development of its Mac photography software, Aperture, Adobe has renewed its commitment to the platform.

First, they're helping Aperture customers migrate to its Lightroom software and now Adobe's made the newly updated Photoshop Express 3.4 even more useful with such additions as blemish removal, a new DeFog tool and more...

Adobe Photoshop Touch updated with new brushes, Quick Selection tool and more

Adobe has updated its Photoshop Touch app for iPhone this afternoon, bringing it to version 1.2. The update includes new brush types, and a handful of popular Photoshop features including the Quick Selection tool and auto-recovery for unsaved documents.

The Quick Selection tool has the ability to automatically detect the edges of shapes within an image, meaning you won't have to manually outline the shape to select it for editing. This will really come in handy on touch devices, where selection can be tough...

Adobe updates Photoshop Express with new design, Instagram sharing and more

Adobe updated their popular Photoshop Express app last night, bringing the iOS photo editor to version 3.3. The update features a number of improvements, including an all-new design for iOS 7, pet-eye (also known as green-eye) correction, and more.

The new release also brings about new sharing options—users can now show off their retouched photos to friends via either SMS or Instagram—as well as auto-save. Forget to save a photo before exiting the app? Don't worry, it'll be there when you return...

Adobe Photoshop Touch goes Retina, gets 12-megapixel canvas

Adobe today issued Photoshop Touch for iPad version 1.3, a major update that finally brings the much-needed Retina graphics to do away with fuzzy user interface elements on the third-generation iPad. Also new in Photoshop Touch 1.3 are two additional image effects called Shred and Colorize and a new pixel nudging mode for precise movements.

It now supports Apple's Photo Stream, an iCloud feature that keeps up to a thousand most recent photos in sync across your devices. Most importantly, Photoshop Touch 1.3 finally supports bigger canvas and up to twelve-megapixel images on the iPad 3 (ten-megapixel on the iPad 2).

As is the norm with software release, the app also sports various bug fixes and minor improvements, including a snappier interface and faster animations...

Apple to take on Photoshop, Illustrator with own iOS, Mac drawing apps, patent hints

Apple could be working on a sophisticated vector drawing app for Macs and iOS devices plus a bitmap image editing app akin to Adobe's Illustrator and Photoshop software, respectively, a new patent filing published by the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) reveals.

The invention calls for extensive use of gestures to interact with the user interface, the tools and on-screen objects, including the ability to change any input tool property in response to any particular input gesture and a new way to handle the layers madness...