Market Share

iPad Top Dog in Enterprise, Android Metaphorical Kitten

In a market that was once dominated by RIM and CrackBerry smartphones, Apple is fast becoming the provider of choice for businesses, according to a new report.

With RIM suffering somewhat of a downturn in sales, Apple's iPhone and iPad are filling the void, with Android currently a smaller player in the world of power ties and pinstripe suits. Apple's iPad is doing so well, in fact, that it made up 95% of tablet activations in the enterprise for the months of March through June of this year, with Android tablets making up just 3.1%...

Verizon iPhone Sales Slow in Anticipation of the iPhone 5

Verizon Wireless has released its earnings report for the third business quarter of 2011, with a reported 2.3 million iPhones activated on its CDMA network. The iPhone 4 came out on Verizon back in Feburary, and Verizon's sales numbers have been trailing behind AT&T's ever since.

In Q3, AT&T activated 3.6 million iPhones. Together, AT&T and Verizon only account for 30% of the 20 million iPhones Apple shipped last quarter, with AT&T still being the preferred carrier for new iPhone customers...

Android Tablets Gaining on iPad’s Market Share Slowly But Surely

In a market that is growing at an alarming rate, tablet demand is at an all-time high, with Apple's iOS and Google's Android tablet operating systems proving the two main competitors in the space, according to new research.

A report by Strategy Analytics claims that while Apple's iPad is still the number one tablet in town, the iPad saw its market share drop from a staggering 94% to a still impressive 61% for the 2nd quarter, year over year.

Before you start to worry about Apple's sales numbers, it's worth noting that the company still shipped a whopping 9.3 million iPads during that time period...

Nielsen: iPhone Sales Increasing in US, Blackberry on the Decline

In the latest research report from Nielsen, data from May suggests that Apple's iPhone iOS and Android OS are the only two mobile operating systems that are actually increasing in U.S. market share. Nielsen makes the point that smartphones are now the "majority of new cellphone purchases," and the iPhone is continuing to see increased adoption in the United States.

Following a May survey of U.S. mobile customers, it has been determined that Android and the iOS platform gained a percentage of smartphone market share, while other competitors like Blackberry actually fell in market share.

The iPhone is Not the Underdog

In our second installment of the, "What are they putting in the water at PCMag?" series, we take a look at an article titled, "Is the iPhone Now the Underdog?" by PCMag's Editor-in-Chief, Lance Ulanoff.

Sebastien grilled Mr. Ulanoff over his last article on the proposition of Apple selling unlocked iPhones in the United States. This time, we're going to take a look at Mr. PCMag's idea that Apple needs to make "drastic improvements" to the iPhone to "maintain market share and mindshare."

iPhone Top-Selling Handset on AT&T and Verizon

According to a recent study, after five months, the iPhone already dominates the Verizon network in the U.S. On AT&T, the numbers are even more impressive, with a 65% lead.

BITG Research surveyed 250 Verizon and AT&T stores across the United States over a period of three months and determined that the iPhone is the number one smartphone on both carriers.

Apple Has Enough Cash to Buy Mobile Phone Industry

In a mouth-dropping report, Asymco states that Apple would be able to buy the entire mobile phone industry - in cash.

Nokia, RIM, HTC, LG, Motorola and Sony Ericsson could all be bought with Apple's treasure trove of $70 billion in available funds. Apple's profits are expected to continue in growth, while most handset makers are suffering from a decline in profits.

Verizon iPhone Helps Eat into Android OS Market Share, Makes Apple 3rd Largest

While the Verizon iPhone doesn't seem as popular as Apple had expected, it has helped Cupertino in various ways.

According to NPD's quarterly results on U.S smartphone sales, the availability of the iPhone on Verizon Wireless not only bumped Apple to the third largest phone seller in the U.S, but also helped eat into Android's market share for the first time since 2009.