
Customize your Lock screen text’s aesthetics with Fabric

One of the best ways to show your jailbroken device off to the rest of the world is to customize how it looks, and a newly-released jailbreak tweak dubbed Fabric by iOS developer CreatureSurvive will help you do just that.

As you might’ve noticed in the screenshot examples above, Fabric lets you get creative with the text strings that appear on your Lock screen; this includes, but isn’t limited to, the date and time. Not only can you change how large the text is, but you can choose custom fonts and formatting, among other things.

How to stop your iPhone from changing time zones

Set Time Manually on iPhone

If you would prefer to have control over the time settings on your iPhone, you can do this easily. It’s especially useful to stop your iPhone from changing time zones on you.

Just keep in mind that adjusting the settings to control the time manually means that you’ll need to remember time changes when you’re traveling. And you may see an alert to update your time when daylight savings time rolls around.

Here’s how to stop your iPhone from automatically changing time zones.

Timemoji replaces the Status Bar’s A.M./P.M. indicator with your choice of Emojis

The Status Bar plays host to all sorts of vital information about your handset, including its wireless signal strength, the battery level, and the time. The time indicator is perhaps one of the most frequently-checked indicators of them all, but it tends to be somewhat bland out of the box.

Enter Timemoji, a new free jailbreak tweak by iOS developer 1di4r that replaces the native “A.M.” and “P.M.” indicators with specific Emojis of your choice.

The best free date and time calculators for iPhone

date and time calculators for iPhone

If you need to calculate dates and times, right down to the second, convenient tools for your iPhone do the work for you. Maybe you need to figure out a specific date in the future for a contract or an exact time that an event took place in the past.

For business, pleasure, or both, these are the best free date and time calculators for iPhone.

How to change formats for dates, times, numbers and currencies on Mac

Language and region settings on MacBook

By default, your Mac uses settings based on your location and language preferences, but there may be times when you need to adjust these settings to meet your specific needs.

Whether you're working on a project with international colleagues, need to customize how numbers and currencies are displayed, or simply prefer a different date or time format, this article will guide you through the steps to change formats for dates, times, numbers, units of measurement, and currencies on Mac.

Relocate the Lock screen’s date and time indicator with mcClock11

Right out of the box, your iPhone centers the date and time near the top of the Lock screen interface. But if you’ve ever wanted to move the date and time indicator around to different positions on the Lock screen, then you’re in luck.

A new free jailbreak tweak called mvClock11 by iOS developer Soh lets you relocate the Lock screen’s date and time indicator anywhere you’d like.

Semperon adds an ‘always-on-display’ to your jailbroken iPhone

A plethora of Android smartphones on the market today support ‘always-on-display’ functionality in which the background remains dark, but the time and date appear in legible white font for your convenience.

Until now, you couldn’t experience this effect on an Apple handset, but a new jailbreak tweak dubbed Semperon by iOS developer LaughingQuoll mimics this functionality on any jailbroken iPhone or iPad running iOS 11.

This tweak puts the date under the time indicator on your jailbroken iPhone X

DateUnderTimeX is a subtle new jailbreak tweak made by iOS developer NeinZedd9 that adds a date indicator beneath the Status Bar time indicator on jailbroken iPhone X handsets.

Shown above, you can see how well the date meshes with the existing time indicator. The implementation is so clean that it virtually looks like something Apple would offer right out of the box.

CarDate replaces the Carrier name in your Status Bar with the date

If you have an iPhone or a cellular-enabled iPad, then your Status Bar shows the name of your carrier so long as you have service. But is that really necessary? I mean, we all know what carrier we’re with.

A new a free jailbreak tweak called CarDate lets you flexibly utilize this space in the Status Bar with the current date instead.

This tweak protects your iPhone from the “January 1, 1970” bug

A recent bug discovered in the iOS firmware where setting your date back to a certain point in time could brick your device has been getting quite the coverage all across the internet as of late.

With so many people now having knowledge of the problem, the risk has never been greater than it is right now that someone with malicious intent could grab your iPhone while you're not looking and set your date back to the dangerous date to brick your device on you.

Fortunately, a new free jailbreak tweak called BrickDate is available in Cydia that can protect you from having your date changed to the dangerous date.

Apple promises a fix for iPhone bricking stemming from date and time bug

A newly published support document from Apple, which was first discovered by German blog, has acknowledged an issue where any 64-bit iPhone could be bricked by setting the date back to a specific time, causing it to fail to boot properly and requiring a physical repair to put the device back into working order.

According to the document, a permanent fix for the problem will be released as part of a future software update. Meanwhile, the affected iPhone owners are advised to contact Apple Support.