
Bunji, Quiver, Anywhere Offline Music Player, and other apps to check out this weekend

Apps of the week

I just want to take a moment and congratulate everyone here on making it to the weekend, again. And as a reward, here is another edition of our Apps of the Week roundup. This week we have some great picks for you, including a match-maker for solo travelers, a social app for sparkling conversations, and an impressive offline music player. And as always, we've selected a fun new game for you to check out.

Gooday, Fooodpedia, Stethophone, and other apps to check out this weekend

Apps of the week

Ladies and gentlemen, the Weekend! This means it's time for another Apps of the Week roundup, and we have some great picks for you this week. There is an endless meme and image scroller, a simple nutrition guide, and an impressive, FDA-cleared stethoscope app. And as always, we've selected a fun [evil laugh] new game for you to check out.

Linga, Pocket, Picaday, and other apps to check out this weekend

Apps of the week

It's the weekend again ya'll, and that means it's time for another Apps of the Week roundup. This week we have some fantastic picks for you including a book translator to help you learn new languages, an impressive new finance tracker, and an app that offers up daily photo challenges. And as always, we've selected a fun new game for you to check out.