FitMachine, SpeakLine, Superwhisper, and other apps to check out this weekend

If it’s the weekend and you know it clap your hands ::clap clap::. You know it is, because it’s time for another Apps of the Week roundup. This week we have some incredible picks for you including a video game-esque workout app, a powerful text-to-speech app, and perhaps the most anticipated and talked about app…ever. You don’t want to miss this!

FitMachine: Legends of Fitness

This looks more like a video game than a workout app, and maybe that’s the point. Fit Machine: Legends of Fitness offers a fresh take on AI-powered workouts for fast, fun sessions, anytime, anywhere. It’s like having a personal trainer in your pocket. The whole AI thing may sound like a gimmick, but the developers claim it analyzes your performance during each session, and makes adjustments to ensure you’re getting the most out of each workout. Look, either this sort of thing appeals to you, or it doesn’t. If it does, it’s certainly worth checking out.

Download for free

SpeakLine – Text to Speech

This isn’t a new app, but it’s one we’ve never covered on here and it’s definitely worth checking out. It’s called SpeakLine, and it’s essentially text-to-speech software that reads anything you type out loud. Obviously, there are tons of apps out there that do this, but there are some major selling points here. SpeakLine has a bunch of voices you can choose from, including funny-sounds and different languages, and you can customize the speed and pitch. The software is also completely free, without ads, and available across Mac, iOS, and even Apple Vision. Remember the movie Blank Check? Yeah, that’s going to be me with this app this weekend.

Download for free


So the previous app was text-to-speech, and this one is speech-to-text. That’s right, Superwhisper lets you write notes, emails, messages and documents without ever lifting a finger. This is another app that offers something you’ve already seen in a bunch of other applications, but if you haven’t landed on a favorite yet, it’s worth taking for a spin. It uses AI tech for perfect punctation and formatting, allowing you to transcribe your speech into notes 5x faster than the typical speech-to-text app. It supports over 100 languages, and you can export the notes into almost any format. In fact, I wrote this entire post using this app. Okay, so I didn’t, but that would’ve been an awesome line to end on, right?

Download for free

Delta – Game Emulator

I normally try to avoid mentioning apps or games in this roundup that we’ve already covered elsewhere on iDB, but to be honest, this one was unavoidable. The reality is, if you are looking for a game to play this weekend, there is simply only one title to download: Delta – Game Emulator. For those that missed it, Apple recently amended its App Store rules to allow for emulators, and Delta is by far the most popular. It looks great, it’s compatible with games from NES, SNES, Nintendo 64, and more, and it supports all major console and MFi controllers. As you’d expect, it doesn’t come with any pre-installed games, so you’ll have to add your own ROMs. But once you’ve done that, your weekend entertainment will be set. If you don’t already have a Bluetooth controller, be sure to check out our roundup of the best Bluetooth controllers for iPhone and pick one up.

Download for free