7 iPhone features buried in menus that we recommend using

In this hands-on video walkthrough, we surface 7 hard-to-find iPhone features that are virtually impossible to encounter unless you know where to look.

iPhone 14 Pro packaging set upright on a white table, with colorful lights blurred in the background
iPhone has many hard-to-find features | Image: Victor Serban/Unsplash

Apple’s marketing does a great job of highlighting iPhone features everyone should use. It rarely focuses on unearthing the little things. And that’s a shame because the many hidden gems in iOS make using the iPhone more accessible and fun.

Some of them are buried deep in the menus, and others lack a toggle in Settings, which makes them virtually impossible to encounter. We thought it’d be nice to create a video around those features to raise awareness among users about them.

7 iPhone features buried in menus we recommend using

Our videographer Michael Billig (@michael_billig) calls them hacks and workarounds, but they’re just regular features plagued with very low visibility, which is why the vast majority of mainstream users never get around to using them regularly. So grab your iPhone and follow along with our ten-minute video walkthrough to learn about the seven excellent features that you can only find if you know where to look.

The video covers things like creating custom vibrations, getting live real-time captions for any video, charging your iPhone even faster, using the phone in one-handed mode, and more. What are your favorite iPhone features that you think the mainstream user isn’t already familiar with? Watch: 10 hidden iPhone features