Telescope ports the detailed photography info from iOS 15’s Photos app to jailbroken iOS 14 devices

A really neat feature of iOS 15 that I like to use fairly regularly is swiping up on any photograph to view specific details about the device that captured it and when and where it was captured.

If you’re on iOS 14 because you’re still jailbroken, then you don’t have this feature out of the box, but a free jailbreak tweak dubbed Telescope by iOS developer MTAC ports this feature to pwned iOS 14 devices so that you won’t feel like you’re missing out.

Once installed, users can tap the date at the top of the Photos app while viewing a photograph to see the same detailed information that users could summon on an iOS 15 device by swiping up on the same photograph.

Among the tidbits of information  this pop-up displays are:

  • The full date and time the photograph was captured
  • The device that captured the photograph
  • The specs of the camera that captured the photograph
  • The file type
  • The image resolution
  • The location the photograph was captured at
  • And more…

Since a lot of jailbreakers probably don’t want to lose their jailbreak to get this feature by upgrading to iOS 15, Telescope is a great way to have your cake and eat it too by staying on a jailbroken installation of iOS 14 and enjoying a feature that would typically only be accessible to iOS 15 users.

If you’re interested in trying the Telescope tweak for yourself, then you can download it for free from MTAC’s personal repository via your favorite package manager app. The tweak supports jailbroken iOS 14 devices.

Those not already taking full advantage of MTAC’s personal repository can add it to their package manager app of choice by using the URL provided below:


Do you have any plans to add this feature to your pwned iOS 14 device with Telescope? Be sure to let us know why or why not in the comments section down below.