Kai adds persistent battery indicators to the Lock screen for connected devices

Just last week, we showed you a free jailbreak tweak dubbed WatchBuddy that would persistently display your Apple Watch’s battery level on your iPhone’s Lock screen. Albeit simple and effective, some users demanded more, and so a new release called Kai by iOS developer Burrit0z was conceived.

As shown in the screenshot examples above, Kai expands upon the WatchBuddy concept by persistently displaying your connected devices’ battery levels on the Lock screen. You’ll also notice that the indicators include, but aren’t limited to the iPhone itself, connected Apple Watches, and connected AirPods where applicable. Furthermore, the indicators are customizable whether you prefer smaller subtle solutions, or bigger and bolder ones.

Whether or not you like the idea of persistent battery level indicators on the Lock screen remains to be seen, but it can help save you the bother of having to swipe over to the Today page to glance at your battery widget.

After you install Kai, you’ll find a dedicated preference pane in the Settings app where you can configure the tweak to your liking:

Here, you can:

  • Toggle Kai on or off on demand
  • Hide the cover sheet charging animation when connecting your device to a power source
  • Show all devices
  • Always show Bluetooth devices
  • Hide device glyphs from the indicators
  • Hide the battery percentages from the indicators
  • Hide the device names from the indicators
  • Configure horizontal and vertical alignment
  • Choose between automatic, dark, or light banner styles
  • Choose between adaptive, white, or black text color
  • Choose between left, center, or right-aligned banners
  • Always display indicators below the Now Playing music widget
  • Adjust banner height
  • Adjust banner width
  • Adjust banner spacing vertically
  • Adjust banner spacing horizontally
  • Adjust the horizontal axis manual offset
  • Adjust the glyph size
  • Adjust the corner radius
  • Adjust the banner blur alpha level

The developer includes an Apply button at the top-right of the preference pane that can be used to save any changes you make.

In addition to being useful, Kai appears to be highly compatible with other Lock screen tweaks. It’s verified to work with a lot of community favorites, including Kalm, Grupi, Axon, Quart, Compliations, Watermelon, Veza, QuickLS, Jellyfish, and several others.

If you’re ready to try Kai out for yourself, then you can purchase it today for $0.99 from the Chariz repository via your favorite package manager. The tweak supports jailbroken iOS 12, 13, and 14 devices.

Do you like the concept of having persistent battery indicators on your Lock screen? Let us know why or why not in the comments section below.