Substrate Safe Mode updated to fix CPU usage issues

Substrate Safe Mode

Substrate Safe Mode, the package that allows jailbreakers to safely boot into Safe Mode and remove uncooperative packages, has been updated to version 0.9.5000. The update, which was pushed by Saurik just recently, fixes a fairly significant issue related to CPU usage.

Safe Mode works similar to the Safe Mode on desktop machines, as it allows you to boot without loading certain extensions, allowing you to troubleshoot problem extensions. Have a look inside for more details.

Substrate SafeMode Cydia Change Log

The update, which takes users from version 0.9.4000 to 0.9.5000, fixes an iOS 8.x issue where the SpringBoard would consume 100% CPU while in Safe Mode. Obviously, that’s a pretty big problem, which can cause things like overheating, rapid battery drain and overall poor performance. Fortunately, not many people stay planted in Safe Mode for long periods of time, so the impact should have been minimal.

With these changes in mind, it is highly recommended that you update to Substrate Safe Mode 0.9.5000 at your earliest convenience. You can do so from the default Cydia repo, and you should see the change after opening Cydia and performing a refresh.

Have you noticed the CPU issues while in Safe Mode? Sound off down below with your thoughts and comments.