Facebook and Apple: Two Frenemies Against Google

Fortune has a good article about the battle between Facebook and Google for control of the web. Deep inside the article, there is an interesting snippet that suggests Facebook and Apple are still talking to join forces against their common enemy:

That last point is not lost on Zuckerberg. It has prompted him to seek closer ties with Google’s biggest rival in mobile: Apple. The two companies have held multiple rounds of discussions, according to people with knowledge of the talks. But they have yet to find a compelling way to collaborate, perhaps because their courtship got off to a rocky start. […] That Apple chose to bake Twitter, not Facebook, into the most recent version of its mobile operating system has not helped. Still, the two companies continue to talk, knowing full well that an alliance could help them fend off a common enemy.

Of course both companies have been talking for a while, and they’ll eventually reach to an agreement where Facebook will most likely be integrated in iOS, just like Twitter.

I invite you to read the full the article as it’s a very interesting piece that sheds more light on the war between Facebook and Google.