Dopamine jailbreak updated to version 1.1.11 with more bug fixes & improvements

The RootHide jailbreak detection bypass for the Dopamine jailbreak just received an update to version 1.0.7 Monday afternoon, and not only a few hours later, Dopamine jailbreak lead developer Lars Fröder released an updated version of the Dopamine jailbreak.

Dopamine jailbreak icon banner.

In a posted shared to X (formerly Twitter), Fröder shared a link to the new Dopamine v1.1.11 build, which appears to be a bug fix update incorporating the following changes:

– Fix “Invalid kernel stack pointer” random panic
– Apply forkfix for forks coming out of the daemon() and forkpty() functions
– Fix a bug in the codesign bypass where the wrong slice could get trustcached in some rare circumstances, causing the binary to fail to spawn
– Fix a minor inaccuracy in the execve systemwide hook

In a side note in the change log, we learn that all the bug fixes in today’s Dopamine update were contributed to by the RootHide team, which may explain the timing of Dopamine v1.1.11 being just hours after RootHide v1.0.7 was released.

Whether you’re an existing or prospective Dopamine jailbreak user, you should be downloading and installing the latest version of the tool to ensure that you’re getting the latest bug fixes and improvements. Existing users can download the latest version from the GitHub page and install it over their existing installation with just a few taps, while prospective users who plan to use Dopamine for the first time can refer to our tutorial below:

Dopamine is a rootless jailbreak that can be installed with the TrollStore perma-signing utility. Perma-signing means that it doesn’t need to be signed every 7 days like it would need to be if sideloading the app normally with applications such as AltStore and Sideloadly. Dopamine supports A12-A15 devices (known as arm64e) running iOS & iPadOS 15.0-15.4.1.

Have you downloaded and installed the latest version of the Dopamine jailbreak yet? Be sure to let us know why or why not in the comments section down below.