Cora app can display a jailbroken device’s current uptime

Have you ever been interested in how long your jailbroken device has successfully managed to stay up and running without running into any random reboots or instability issues? Some jailbreakers take this very seriously, so it’s no surprise to see that jailbreak tweaks underscoring a device’s uptime have become popular.

Cora app user interface.

For those interested in this popular information readout, iOS developer Luki120 made an app called Cora that keeps track of your jailbroken iPhone or iPad’s uptime and displays it on demand, allowing you to see just how stable your jailbreak installation really is.

As you can see in the screenshot example above, our palera1n-c’d iPhone X running iOS 16.3 has been up without any malfunctions for a total of three days, 12 hours, and 49 minutes. This number resets every time you reboot and re-jailbreak your device – intentionally or not.

Cora can also be customized to show Darwin information at the bottom of the app, which includes your device’s name, Darwin Kernel Version, and other information about your device. If you’re not a fan of the default green color, then you can use the color picker in the Settings section to change the color to what you fancy most.

Cora isn’t anything fancy, but it’s a quick and easy way to see your device’s uptime when you’re curious as to what it is. Cora certainly isn’t the first add-on to give us device uptime information, as a free Control Center widget called Uptime by iOS developer MTAC can also print this information in Control Center.

If you’re interested in giving Cora a try for yourself, the app can be had for free from Luki120’s personal repository via your favorite package manager app. The add-on supports jailbroken iOS 14, 15, and 16 devices.

If you’re not already taking advantage of Luki120’s personal repository, then you can add it your package manager app of choice by using the URL provided below:

Are you planning to use Cora to track your jailbroken handset’s uptime? Let us know why or why not in the comments section down below.