This tweak makes it easier to discern when a note was created & last modified

If you’re anything like me, then you might take advantage of your iPhone’s Notes app somewhat frequently to jot down important memos to yourself.

One problem that may arise while using Apple’s Notes app is that it can be tough to discern when Notes were first created, and that’s something that a newly released and free jailbreak tweak called NotesCreationDate13 by iOS developer gilshahar7 tries to address.

Out of the box, Apple’s Notes app displays the date that a note was last modified in the Notes list. It usually displays this as a date, but it may also display a time if you edited the note on the same day that you look at this information.

NotesCreationDate13 takes a vastly different approach. As depicted in the screenshot example above, the tweak displays this information at the top of any particular note itself. You’ll also notice that it’s far more transparent about when a note was first created and when it was last modified, as it displays these timestamps separately instead of confusingly refreshing the date or time each time the note is modified.

We like this approach to displaying Note dates a lot more than Apple’s, and that’s one reason why we’re hopeful that Apple will learn from this demonstration for the sake of future iOS releases.

It’s worth noting that NotesCreationDate13 is a remake of a tweak originally authored by iOS developer ludvigeriksson, but with support for iOS 13 in mind. This updated release was created at the request of a user on /r/TweakBounty, and gilsharhar7 has open-sourced his version of the tweak on GitHub so that others may learn from it.

Those interested in downloading NotesCreationDate13 can grab it for free from the Packix repository via their favorite package manager. The tweak supports jailbroken iOS 13 & 14 devices.

Do you plan to upgrade your Notes app with NotesCreationDate13? Let us know why or why not in the comments section below.