‘Today at Apple at Home’ gradient wallpaper pack for iPhone, iPad, desktop

Today at Apple at Home wallpapers Matt Birchler idownloadblog mockup

Since the COVID pandemic outbreak, Apple closed most of its retail locations across the globe to support social distancing and prevent further spreading of the virus.

To continue offering educational opportunities, Apple launched ‘Today at Apple at Home’, which is an educational mini video series. These videos open with a series of colorful transitions, which we offer as a gradient wallpaper pack for our iDownloadBlog Wallpapers of the Week.

‘Today at Apple at Home’ gradient wallpapers

You can checkout the Today at Apple at Home videos and see the intro gradients that inspired @MattBirchler‘s own creative work. Birchler manages the birchtree.me blog and offers a tech podcast.

Birchler made the following five gradient wallpapers for iPhone, iPad, and desktop devices. These smooth color transitions are a great replication of the video introductions.

Download: iPhone; iPad; desktop (5760 x 3240)

Download: iPhone; iPad; desktop (5760 x 3240)

Download: iPhone; iPad; desktop (5760 x 3240)

Download: iPhone; iPad; desktop (5760 x 3240)

Download: iPhone; iPad; desktop (5760 x 3240)

The iDB Wallpapers of the Week bring photo quality images to a device near you, every Sunday afternoon, with mid-week special editions, like the iPhone SE 2020 wallpapers below! You can contribute to this effort and be featured on the site by sending images or tips my way via @jim_gresham, where I curate the collection. Follow along for mid-week downloads, wallpaper RTs, and shelter-in-place shenanigans.

Previously posted

iPhone SE 2020 advertising wallpaper pack for iPhone, iPad, desktop (04/15/20)