Google Search 4.0 is out with several Google Now improvements

google search 4

Google today released an update for its popular Google Search app. The update brings the iOS client to version 4.0, and includes a number of improvements to the Google Now feature such as support for smarter conversations and faster load times.

With smarter conversations, users can now ask follow-up questions to their originally search queries. So for example, if you ask Google Now what the weather is like, you can follow that up with: ‘what about tomorrow?’ or ‘how about this weekend?’

Here’s your full change log:

What’s New in Version 4.0.0

With today’s update, you can ask questions with your voice & get updates on topics you care about.
Have a smarter conversation with Google:
– Tap the microphone or say “Ok Google” to start
– Ask questions such as “What’s the weather like?” 
– Then follow up with “How about this weekend?”
At Google, we know the web well. With Google Now, we’ll tell you when there’s an interesting article for:
– Your favorite topics
– Your upcoming trips
– Your favorite authors and blogs
Smaller updates include:
– Cricket sports cards in Google Now
– Faster loading of Google Search and Google Now
– More beautiful and fluid image results

If you’re interested, you can find the latest version of Google Search in the App Store for free.