How Apple Predicted the iPad, Siri, and FaceTime 24 Years Ago

Behind each great company, there is a great mission statement. Apple’s mission is to bring the best personal computing experience to consumers through its innovative hardware, software, and Internet offerings.

This mission statement has been driving Apple for years, fueling the company’s vision of what the future could look like, and then turning that vision into reality. In this video, you will see Apple’s 1987 vision of what we know today as the iPad, Siri, and FaceTime


This video of the Knowledge Navigator was released under Sculley’s reign at Apple, showing that Steve Jobs wasn’t the only visionary in Cupertino.

It truly amazes me how a company can take a completely unrealistic idea at a given time, and bringing it to life years later. What amazes me even more is that we haven’t really seen anything yet.

Future times are exciting, aren’t they?
