
Conan Makes Fun of Apple’s Siri Commercial

Chances are you've seen Apple's newest commercial for Siri. It features random people talking to Siri in all sorts of situations, whether it be trying to tie a bow tie or trying to send a text message.

Comedian and talk show host Conan O’Brien has a slightly different vision for what the Siri commercial should be like, so he put together a parody version of the popular commercial that features some more interesting questions for Siri to answer...

First iPhone 4S Commercial Airs Featuring Siri

The first commercial starring Apple's latest handset has just hit the airwaves. And as you might have guessed, the focus of the ad is the company's new Siri feature. For some folks, this may have been the first time they have seen it in action.

One of Apple's strong suits is its ability to market its products to the average consumer, and this commercial is no exception. It demonstrates everyday uses for the new voice control system, and leaves you wanting to know more...