rootlessJB 3.0

Pwn20wnd considers refining Substitute for the unc0ver jailbreak

Saurik delivered a Twitter-based Tropicana speech on Friday regarding the state of Cydia Substrate for A12(X) devices, and from what we can tell, its release is anything but imminent; in fact, there’s no telling if it’ll ever be released. Not only is Saurik getting tired of updating Cydia Substrate, but Apple made things more difficult in A12(X) by adding new logic and challenges.

Prominent members of the modern jailbreak community are now responding to Saurik’s words of wisdom, beginning with unc0ver lead developer Pwn20wnd:

A rootfs remount is being released for iOS 12, raising hope for a normal iOS 12 jailbreak with Cydia

Avid jailbreakers who are on iOS 12.0-12.1.2 currently have one of two options: 1) use rootlessJB 3.0, a developer-centric, SSH-based rootless jailbreak without Cydia; or 2) wait for a full-featured jailbreak solution with Cydia (like Electra or unc0ver) to surface. Fortunately, those who are stuck in the latter boat could be one step closer to jailbreaking as of this weekend.

Hackers @MiscMisty and @Lakr223 took to Twitter early Saturday morning to display a proof of concept of a working iOS 12.x-oriented rootfs remount. But perhaps more importantly, they noted how they would be releasing it very shortly.

iOS 12-centric ‘rootlessJB 3.0’ picks up support for tweak injection

It was only a couple of days ago that a talented hacker by the name of Jake James released rootlessJB 3.0, a developer-centric, SSH-based jailbreak that developers could deploy on A9-A11 devices running iOS 12.0-12.1.2; but it didn’t support jailbreak tweaks at the time. Fast-forward to now and this seemingly-limited jailbreak has come a long way.

Jake James took to Twitter Monday evening to announce that rootlessJB 3.0 now supports tweak injection – a means of customizing iOS outside of Apple’s stock parameters: