
WWDC 2020 iPhone wallpaper pack in light and dark

Tomorrow at 10:00AM Pacific, Tim Cook and company will take the stage to kick off WWDC 2020 celebrations and workshops. The Worldwide Developer Conference 2020 is completely virtual this year and according to Apple's press release, bigger than ever. With the ability to reach more developers virtually, Apple opened all sessions to any registered developers. This WWDC 2020 iPhone wallpaper pack is inspired by the media and developer invitations.

Apple Pride 2020 inspired wallpapers for iPhone

Apple Pride 2020 inspired wallpaper ar72014 idownloadblog mockup

Year over year, Apple supports Pride in a myriad of ways. One of those ways is the release of new Apple Watch bands and Apple Watch faces. This week, Apple released the 2020 edition of the Apple Watch bands and the Nike edition is particularly well done!

Apple Pride 2020 iPhone wallpapers are inspirations of the official Apple Watch releases that came with watchOS 6.2.5.

iPhone SE 2020 wallpaper pack for iPhone and iPad

Back in April 2020, Apple announced the all new second generation iPhone SE! And with each new device, come new advertising wallpapers. Unfortunately, those images never officially make it to the device. But, true to our Wallpapers of the Week promise, you can find them here.

Enjoy the iPhone SE wallpapers for iPhone and iPad!

Samsung Galaxy S20 wallpaper iPhone mods

Samsung tends to copy Apple for a majority of their software and hardware decisions. I think it's time to copy them with these Samsung Galaxy S20 wallpaper iPhone mods. The yet unreleased new handset from Samsung had a leak last week, causing the wallpaper files to be published to the wild. Thanks to some quick work, they are now optimized for iPhone and ready for download.

Merry Christmas wallpaper pack for iPhone

The festive season is upon us. It is the time for Christmas wallpapers for iPhone. In keeping with previous December Wallpapers of the Week gallery submissions, today we offer a pack of Christmas wallpapers that are perfect for either a Lock or Home screen. Silver and gold, red and green, snow and Christmas tree, the color pallet and subjects are spot on for your next Christmas party.

Catalina iPhone wallpapers, optimized pack

The iDownloadBlog Wallpapers of the Week curates the best, photo quality images for your device background. Typically, this quest takes me around Twitter, through reddit, over the Internet and deep into direct messages. This week, it was a simple pick. Let's rely on Apple to utilize incredible images and then optimize them, into Catalina iPhone wallpapers.

Galaxy iPhone wallpapers from Chandra X-Ray Observatory


A lot of recent hype around the alternate history space race Apple TV+ show, For All Mankind, has me staring at the stars. The show, which imagines if Russia beat the United States to Earth's moon, is (spoiler free) focused on America's push to follow as quickly as possible. The following galaxy wallpaper collection contains iPhone optimized images captured by the NASA Chandra X-ray Observatory.

Enhance your iPhone’s Dark Mode with these wallpapers

With the release of iOS 13, dark mode wallpapers are a welcomed addition to the otherwise sterile white interface. Unfortunately, there is a limited number of dark wallpapers that come stock with the most recent version of iOS. To remedy the selection, this wallpaper pack takes some of the most iconic previous iOS wallpapers and turns them dark.

Download these iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro wallpapers

Back in September 2019, Tim Cook and company announced the brand new iPhone 11 devices. With each new device comes a myriad of incredible new wallpapers. A special mid-week edition of our popular Wallpapers of the Week collection, the iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro wallpapers are ready for download.

Whether you have Apple's latest new iPhone or not, check out these wallpapers that will add depth and colors to your device regardless.

macOS Catalina wallpaper mods for iPhone

We are quickly approaching the September 10 "By innovation only" media event. It is largely anticipated the new 2019 iPhone devices and Apple Watch Series 5 will be announced by Tim Cook and company. Additionally, the GM versions of tvOS, iOS, watchOS, and macOS will be announced and shipped. Along with new versions of macOS, new wallpapers will be coming to your desktop devices. Download them ahead of schedule for your iPhone in today's Wallpapers of the Week addition.

By innovation only Apple event wallpapers

Apple officially announced a media event on September 10! It is anticipated the event will launch the all new 2019 iPhone editions and possibly updates to Apple Watch and iPad. Per tradition, we are excited to have iPhone 11 event wallpapers ready for download. The following pack of images is inspired by the official Apple invitation.

Wallpapers of the week: Earth’s Moon

July 20, 2019 marked the 50th anniversary of the moon landing by the Apollo 11 mission, making Neil Armstrong the first man to walk on the moon. So many years later, it is hard to imagine a mission of this type was possible in 1969, on a space craft with less computing power than an Apple Watch. Today's Wallpapers of the Week are inspired by the mission, with several moon wallpapers.