How Much Time a Day Do You Spend on Your iPhone?

The title says it all folks. One recent night, I was about to plug-in my iPhone 4, and I did my usual check of battery life before the USB went in. For the day, I had spent about 7 hours on my favorite toy. Sure this included some iPod time in the car, and of course the research “work” I must do for my role here at iDB. However it seemed like an awful lot of my time eaten up by my “phone”. Of course this is what Apple likes to hear, and I know I’m kind of enthralled by the device, but how does this compare?

My use has certainly gone up from that of my 3GS, however the experience is more enjoyable. I can’t be the only one who gets “lost” in his Retina Display. My use of camera/photo apps has seen the biggest hike, largely due to the screen and camera combo. Is this the trend, or am I that big of a geek?

What does your usage entail, and how many hours per day does your settings app reveal to you? I’m not so much interested in battery life as I am in where your battery life goes. So step up, and let us know in the comments what is you do on that iPhone of yours, and for how long each typical day. Now, back to mine I go.