Android On The iPhone

Dev Team member PlanetBeing successfully ported a debug version of Android to an iPhone 2G.

The iPhone is set up with a dual-boot configuration. At the beginning of the video, you can see it running iPhone OS, but then PlanetBeing successfully boots Linux of his iPhone. This video shows the full boot process and PlanetBeing using Android for Internet browsing, text messaging, etc…

On his blog, PlanetBeing says:

It should be pretty simple to port forward to the iPhone 3G. The 3GS will take more work. Hopefully with all this groundwork laid out, we can make Android a real alternative or supplement for iPhone users. Maybe we can finally get Flash. 😉

Feel like having Android run on your iPhone too? You can download the pre-built images and sources here. I suggest you do not try this unless you really know what you’re doing.

Anyone will give this a shot?