iPhone Owners Are Richer, Younger, And Smarter Than Others

iphone douche

According to a study by independent company Forrester Research, iPhone owners are “la creme de la creme” as we say in French, or the elite upper class as you would say in English.

I found out about this study on Apple Insider, who published parts of it on their website. According to Apple Insider, the study reveals that:

  • iPhone users are younger. 30 percent of iPhone users in 2008 were of Generation Y, a larger portion than the rest of the smartphone market.
  • iPhone users are more educated and affluent. 49 percent of iPhone users have a college education, and 67 percent earn more than $70,000 a year.
  • iPhone customers spend more on their service. The average monthly phone bill for an iPhone user was $87, compared to $76 for the smartphone market, and $66 for traditional mobile phone users.

Apparently, the survey fails to prove that 93% of male iPhone owners have a larger penis and are more handsome than Blackberry users.