
How to Jailbreak Your iPhone with JailbreakMe

JailbreakMe is the latest jailbreak method for all devices running iOS 3.1.2 or newer. Like I said before, JailbreakMe is the easiest jailbreak you will ever find but some of you asked me to write a tutorial about it.

This guide and tutorial will show you how to use JailbreakMe to jailbreak your iPhone. Obviously, most people won't need this tutorial because JailbreakMe is pretty straightforward.

Step 1: Make you your iPhone is backed up in iTunes, in case something goes wrong.

Step 2: From you iPhone, go to JailbreakMe.

Step 3: Slide to jailbreak.

Step 4: Sit back, relax. JailbreakMe will be downloaded to your iPhone and will work its magic. When done, a pop up will tell you that Cydia has been installed.

Step 5: Reboot your iPhone. You don't have to, but it's always a good thing to do.

That's it. Nothing to download to your computer.

JailbreakMe Jailbreak for All Devices

It's here folks! The long-awaited jailbreak for iOS 4 is now available and it's called JailbreakMe. Those of you who've been jailbreaking their iPhones for a while will certainly remember JailbreakMe, which is without a doubt the easiest jailbreak ever.

Simply go to JailbreakMe.com from your iPhone and follow the instructions. Really you can't go wrong with that.

Comex has done a great job by reviving JailbreakMe and bringing back the browser-based jailbreak to the iPhone.

JailbreakMe will work for every iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad starting at iOS 3.1.2. That means that if your iDevice is at 3.1.2 or newer, then you're good.

I'm in the desert right now and can't get JailbreakMe to download so I will report more about it as I get closer to civilization...

In the meanwhile, please share your experience downloading and installing JailbreakMe on your iPhone.

BlackRa1n is NOT the Easiest and Quickest Jailbreak Ever

Since the release of BlackRa1n yesterday morning, many people have qualified it as the easiest and quickest jailbreak ever. I have to admit it is very fast and pretty straightforward, that is if you can have it to work of course, as many jailbreakers out there are having issues with this jailbreak (see comments on my tutorial).

This being said, BlackRa1n is NOT the fastest, bestest, quickest, most awesomest jailbreak of all times. If you think so, you probably were not around when iPhone OS 1.1.1 could be jailbroken directly from your iPhone. Those were the good old days of JailbreakMe.com. For those of you who don't know about jailbreakme, let me explain you briefly how it worked.

You had to go to www.JailbreakMe.com from your iPhone. After reading some type of warning message, you had to agree to run the jailbreak and 30 seconds later, you had Installer (Cydia's ancestor) on your springboard, ready to install a bunch of jailbreak apps. This, my friends, was the quickest and most simple jailbreak ever made.

Heck, it was so simple that I would go to the Apple Store in San Diego and jailbreak a bunch of iPhones on display, just for the fun of it. I would also install the NES emulator and pretend I didn't know anything about the iPhone, call up a so-called "Genius" and be like: "OMG, this iPhone thing is awesome, you even have the NES on it". Needless to say that the Genius didn't really know what to say about that.

I have nothing against BlackRa1n, except maybe it was released too quickly. GeoHot is a freaking genius and he deserves all the props he's getting right now, but I just wanted to make things straight. I had wanted to write something in memory of JailbreakMe for a while so I thought this would be the perfect occasion.

Do you remember JailbreakMe? I would love to hear your comments about it.