Waze now lets you stream audiobooks and other content from Audible

If you have an Audible membership, you can now access more than 600,000 Audible originals, audiobooks, podcasts and other audio programs from within the Google-owned Waze.

To get started with this feature, update your copy of Waze for iOS in the App Store to the most recent version available. After that, open the Waze app on your iPhone or iPad and touch the music note icon. Lastly, choose Audible in the menu as your new default audio player for Waze.

According to Waze, you’ll also receive your turn-by-turn directions inside the Audible app.

An image showing the black Waze and Audible logos set against a bright blue background

Waze for iOS is available free in the App Store.

Other Waze partnerships

A press release on the Waze website quotes its head of partnerships Adam Fried as saying:

We are very excited to kick off 2021 by welcoming Audible into the Audio Player family. Audible is such a beloved brand with a huge catalogue of content and we’re thrilled to be able to bring it straight to their drives.

Our users have already driven over 100 billion kilometers while listening to content from streaming services on our Audio Player, and we can’t wait to bring this experience to even more users thanks to our collaboration with Audible.

You now have a new way to access Audible’s rich audio content, especially when driving. Waze previously integrated with a bunch of apps, like Deezer, Pandora, NPR One and iHeartRadio.