Jailbreak tweaks of the week: FullPlay, Grabbi, Lisa, and more…

Jailbreakers have a bevy of different opinions when it comes to the best jailbreak tweaks for their particular device, but if there’s one thing most can agree on, it’s the fact that the freedom of jailbreaking offers a new level of thrill and excitement to any device it gets paired with.

In this roundup, we’ll be showcasing all the latest jailbreak tweaks released from Monday, August 7th to Sunday, August 13th. As usual, we’ll kick things off by talking about our favorites first and then wrap things up with an outline of the rest afterward.

Our favorite releases this week

FullPlay – FREE

The Apple Music app gets an aesthetic makeover in iOS 14 that embraces a full-screen Now Playing interface and does away with the not-so-appealing layered card interface that most are familiar with in iOS 13.

If you have a jailbroken iOS 13 device and don’t plan on upgrading to iOS 14 this Fall, then you can use a new and free jailbreak tweak called FullPlay to have your cake and eat it too. With it, you can have the iOS 14-style Apple Music app’s Now Playing aesthetics on your pwned iOS 13 device.

You can learn more about FullPlay in our full review.

Grabbi – $1.19

There’s nothing quite like the inconvenience of having to open Notification Center just to see the time or your device’s current battery level while using a full-screen app, whether that encompasses a game or a full-screen video.

Grabbi is a new jailbreak tweak that integrates this pertinent information (and more) into the native Notification Center grabber via full-screen interfaces. With it, you can more easily view information without interrupting your user experience.

You can learn more about Grabbi and how it works in our full review.

Lisa – FREE

Lisa is a wonderful add-on for jailbroken iPhones that can help incoming notifications and Now Playing widgets stand out more on handsets equipped with OLED displays.

The tweak essentially brings the attention of your eyes to the banners and widgets themselves by hiding all the surrounding elements and replacing them with a deep black background that only an OLED display could produce. The tweak also works on non-OLED iPhones, but it won’t look quite as jaw-dropping.

You can learn more about Lisa and what you can do with it in our full review.

Other releases this week

Center Zebra: Centers the interface headers in the Zebra package manager (free via BigBoss repository)

Datalza: Show and manage application data files in the Filza app (free via BigBoss repository)

Disable Screentime: Completely disables the Screen Time feature in iOS 13 (free via The-SamminAter repository)

Double Bar+: Lets you view both Safari’s tabs and bookmarks at the same time ($0.99 via Twickd repository)

Haptify: Universal haptic feedback for jailbroken iPhones ($1.00 via Packix repository – review)

Lyricify: Brings a lyric interface to the iPhone’s native Now Playing interface in a fancy fashion ($1.99 via Chariz repository – review)

Manaar: Operate your iPhone’s LED flashlight with the sleep button instead of the touch screen (free via Packix repository – review)

mDNSrestart: Relaunches mDNSResponder and mDNSResponderHelper after a successful boot to fix issues with ad-blocking tweaks on Odysseyra1n (free via Anish’s repository)

morse: A CLI tool that translates text into Morse code via the Taptic Engine (free via udevsharold repository)

MusicHSWidget: Adds a music widget to the Home Screen (free via Twickd repository)

Niceify: Replaces the number “69” with the word “Nice” systemwide ($0.69 via Twickd repository)

Shreddit: Replaces a few text strings in the Reddit app (free via Pixelomer’s repository)

TapToSmack: A very simple UI alert (free via BootyGazm repository)

TellSiri: Lets you control Siri via notifications  (free via Greg0109 repository)

Other important news this week

iOS 13.6.1 unsigned: Apple stopped signing iOS & iPadOS 13.6.1 this past week, a move that prevents downgrades from the newer iOS & iPadOS 13.7.

That pretty much wraps things up for this week’s roundup, but we can assure you that there will be plenty more where that came from. Be sure to stay tuned to iDownloadBlog throughout the upcoming work week to ensure that you stay informed about the latest and greatest releases as they happen.

Miss last week’s roundup? ConfirmPasteboard, Enlighten, iustum, and more…

What was your favorite jailbreak tweak release this past week? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below.