IGB Electronica revives the iPhone trademark dispute against Apple in Brazil

Sometimes, even when legal matters appear to be finished, they can come back when you least expect it. Take, for example, a long-running trademark dispute between Apple and IGB Electronica.

IGB Electronica is a consumer electronics company based out of Brazil, South America. The company actually trademarked the “iPhone” name as far back as 2000, which obviously didn’t sit well with Apple when it came time to launch its own iPhone several years later. IGB Electronica and Apple found their way to court where the battle between the companies lasted years.

But it was in 2013 that most of the action took place. In the early part of that year, Apple actually lost the iPhone trademark in Brazil. Unsurprisingly, Apple appealed that decision, and then, in September, Apple won the iPhone trademark back, which meant the company could use iPhone for its own products in the region.

(IGB Electronica can use “iPhone” in Brazil as well.)

Now? Well now the case has been brought to the Supreme Federal Court in Brazil (via Tecnoblog, Reddit, MacRumors). The two companies have been going back-and-forth since this all began, with Apple trying to prevent IGB Electronica from using iPhone in the region, and the consumer electronics company trying to regain its exclusive claim to the trademark.

IGB Electronica is trying to reverse a decision made in 2018 which allows both companies to use the trademark in Brazil with this latest lawsuit.

While this went in Apple’s favor, it’s possible it doesn’t this time around. Though, that seems unlikely all things considered.