Screen Time’s Communication Limits feature comes to the Mac with macOS Catalina 10.15.4

The first developer beta of what would become the fourth major update to the macOS Catalina software was issued to developers yesterday. Among other fixes and improvements, the update brings the Communication Limits feature in Screen Time to the Mac for the first time.

This feature was first brought to iOS’s version of the Screen Time feature with the release of the iOS 13.3 update in November 2019. With Screen Time Communication Limits, parents can easily limit who their children can communicate with during downtime or anytime.

TUTORIAL: How to use Screen Time Communication Limits on iOS

So, if you’d like your child to only contact you or your spouse during their device downtime, you can now do that with Communication Limits in Screen Time on both iOS and macOS.

TUTORIAL: How to use Screen Time on Mac

On a somewhat related note, Apple in the most recent release of Xcode that accompanies the latest OS betas has added the ability for developers to create a single binary containing code for iOS, macOS and tvOS in order to enable customers to purchase an app’s iOS, iPadOS, macOS and tvOS versions as a universal purchase starting in March 2020.

Image: Screen Time on Mac in macOS Catalina 10.15.3