How to use the AirPods Pro Ear Fit Test

AirPods ProApple’s AirPods Pro are the first AirPods to include flexible silicone cups to enable you to achieve a perfect custom fit for your ear. It’s important to choose the right size cup depending on the shape of your ear canal. And to make sure you get the best possible fit, Apple has enabled the Ear Tip Fit Test to make sure your AirPods Pro are working optimally. Here’s how it works.

Snap in the right fit

First look at the silicone ear tips included with your AirPods Pro. The medium-sized ones – suitable for the average user – are already attached. Two other size, small and large, are also included in the packaging.

If you haven’t already tried them out, give the medium-sized ones a try and see if they rest comfortably in your ears. Give your head a good shake and move around to make sure they’re seated securely. If you feel them moving around, try adjusting them a bit to see if you can find a more comfortable position.

If they simply don’t feel right, switch to the larger or smaller tips until you find ones that work. To remove them, gently squeeze and pull the silicone tip away from the rest of the AirPod. You’ll feel it detach, then you can attach the size you want. You’ll feel a gentle click or snap when the silicone tip is correctly attached to the AirPods.

Bear in mind that it’s entirely possible you may find that one size works better in one ear than the other. You might find that your right ear is more comfortable with the medium silicone ear tip, for example, while your left ear works better with the large. Find a combination that’s right for you.

How to run the Ear Tip Fit Test

If you’re not sure if you have the best ear tips for your ears, or if you want to make sure, Apple’s made it really easy to find out for sure with the Ear Tip Fit Test, a built-in function of the AirPods Pro.

First, attach a set of silicone tips that you think fit you best. Then on your iPhone:

1) Tap Settings.

2) Tap Bluetooth.

3) Tap the Info button next to your AirPods, in the list of connected Bluetooth devices.

Ear Tip Fit Test - Settings

4) Tap Ear Tip Fit Test.

5) Tap Continue.

Ear Tip Fit Test - Main

6) Tap the Play button.

Ear Tip Fit Test - Play

If everything goes well, you should get green Good Seal indicators from the test.

Ear Tip Fit Test - Results

If not, the test may suggest adjusting or even trying a different ear tip. Give your AirPods Pro an adjustment, remove the silicone ear tips and try a different pair, and test again. Remember: don’t be afraid to mix and match different sizes, if you need custom sizes for each ear.