Twitter rolls out instant timeline for new users, curating tweets automatically


Twitter is working to cater to new users and make it easier for them to get started with the service with an instant timeline feature. Instead of requiring new users to go out and follow Twitter users on their own, the instant timeline feature brings in content without going through the traditional setup process.

After Twitter scans your contacts in the signup phase, it will automatically present new Twitter users tweets based on who their contacts are and who they follow on Twitter. Essentially, Twitter is guessing which accounts and topics might interest you.

If your friends are obsessed with tech, there’s a good chance Twitter is going to serve you up with tech feeds. Or if you’re friends with a bunch of foodies – expect lots of food tweets. The New York Times tried the instant timeline feature during its beta testing phase last week and said it may help with the confusing nature of Twitter to new users.

Twitter says the power of the social network comes from fine-tuning it to follow the people and topics that you are most interested in. However, these new users will no longer be seeing a blank timeline when pulling up Twitter for the first time and it may just give them a reason to come back.

Many investors have been calling for the removal of Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter, after they’ve seen him unable to move quickly enough to create a better product and make more people sign up for the service. Perhaps the instant timeline feature is a move in the right direction.

The New York Times reports the feature should rollout soon.

Source: New York Times