iPhone 2.2 Jailbreak

Update: The Dev Team cracked the code again and you can now jailbreak your iPhone 2.2 firmware. I highly recommend you read this before doing anything!

Update 2: I wrote new tutorials on how to jailbreak or unlock your iPhone 2.2 firmware using QuickPwn:

Like I mentioned in my previous post, there is no jailbreak available so far for iPhone firmware 2.2. The Dev Team is working on it and from what I understand, it shouldn’t take too long…

We believe that our Pwnage technique (and therefore the Jailbreak) isn’t affected, but PwnageTool and QuickPwn do not support this release as yet, so DO NOT install 2.2 using iTunes as you will lose your jailbreak.

It’s also worth noting that if you’re on a jailbroken iPhone, you really don’t want to update using iTunes yet as it may modify your baseband and make future jailbreak and/or unlock impossible.

I suspect that it will take a few days to the Dev Team to update PwnageTool to allow it to jailbreak your iPhone firmware 2.2, so please hang on… Once PwnageTool is released, other methods including WinPwn, and QuickPwn will be following.

We will let you know as soon as PwnageTool, WinPwn, and QuickPwn are available, and we will also release our tutorials on how to use them. You may want to subscribe to our RSS feeds (if not done yet) to keep in touch and be notified as soon as the news fall.