
How to place, view and cancel pre-orders in the TV app

Top Preoders TV App Mac

Just like pre-ordering that new iPhone, you can do the same with upcoming movies in the TV app. This is a terrific way to make sure you get the movie you want as soon as it’s released. So you don’t have to mark your calendar or set a reminder.

Pre-ordering upcoming films is easy to do in the TV app on both iOS and Mac. And if you change your mind, you can quickly cancel that pre-order before it’s fulfilled.

This tutorial shows you how to place, view, and cancel pre-orders in the TV app on your devices.

You can pre-order your iPhone X now

Apple has just opened up pre-orders for iPhone X on its website and on authorized resellers' websites. With inventory rumored to be extremely low, and demand to be very high, these are sure to go fast. As a matter of fact, at the time you are reading this, chances are the iPhone X is already on back order.